Congratulations on becoming the next member of
National Inventor Club!
Get started right away on what NIC has to offer you as an innovator, inventor, and entrepreneur!
Start participating in our monthly meetings with successful inventors, entrepreneurs and resources, Q&A for our guest speaker and general Q&A’s to keep you moving forward with your ideas!
Present your prototype or product in our upcoming inventor showcases throughout the year to show off your invention, please practice your pitch and get feedback from the members.
Keep updated with articles, news, tips and more in our resources area.
NIC Member Badge
Be proud and display that you’re now a member on your social media!
Download your official NIC Member badge by clicking the link below.
And as a Premium Member, you’ll be included in our directory, have access to other premium members to collaborate with, and be able to lookup service providers who are also members of NIC.
And now we know your shirt size, your Premium member t-shirt is on its way!
Glad you’re a part of our community and please don’t hesitate to drop me a line anytime,
Brian Fried
National Inventor Club